Weekly Classes
Weekly Classes As The School's Backbone To Musical Excellence

Project Details
London Music Centre - School DivisionComprehensive weekly classes set up as your school see fitEstablished 2003Project Description
We have found that classes with multiple pupils have a much lower effect on their progress as there aren’t two children a like. Populating the classes with more than 2-3 children will not yield any substantial results beyond some limited enjoyment over those classes.
In order to offer a valuable and accumulated educational benefit we always recommend to proceed with single 1-2-1 classes but of shorter sessions such as 20 minutes each. That will give each individual the chance to shine based on their own strengths and weaknesses.
Short individual classes have proven to stimulate engagement, progress and involvement exponentially in comparison with multiple class members.
However, and as always, we can advise but mostly listen and take your preferred route of action in order to get started. Your direction and the interest of the school’s parents are at the utmost importance of our services.